Clinton concession open thread

Anyone out there watch the speech?

Hillary’s internet director Peter Daou posted the text here:…

Use this as an open thread to share your thoughts on her concession, prospects for unifying the party, or any other relevant topic.

If you’re one of the people who swore she’d never support Barack Obama, and even falsely claimed (as I saw in countless blog posts elsewhere) that she had “endorsed” McCain over Obama, now would be a good time to apologize to the Clinton supporters you know.

UPDATE: If you’re still nursing a grudge that Clinton didn’t drop out sooner, read this comment Open Left user FuzzyDunlop made a few days ago:

Its also worth keeping in mind (4.00 / 12)

that no candidate with a position nearly as strong as hers (and many with positions much weaker) has not taken the fight to the convention.  I don’t expect Clinton to do that, nor do I think she should.  But people need a reality check.  If she ends up dropping out and not bringing the fight to Denver, that will be a move that is historically unprecedented.  If anything, she should be lauded for not prolonging the fight, as all her forebearers in similar positions have, rather than being skewered at every opportunity for not dropping out sooner or for using her leverage to win some concessions.

About the Author(s)


  • Senator Clinton

    She is incredible, and I will always be fiercely proud to have supported her and to have worked on her behalf.

    I’ve always recognized the Senator Obama is himself a fantastic candidate.  While making calls for Senator Clinton, I actually spent time (on two occasions) defending Senator Obama against the bogus e-mails floating around at the time (the ones saying that Senator Obama was a Muslim, terrorist and, as I recall, the Anti-Christ.)

    I wanted Senator Clinton to win, but not like that.

    She’s suffered so many indignities…Toilet brushes, “Iron my shirt”, “How do we ‘beat the b—ch'”’s a long list.

    Yet today, with class, dignity and grace, she threw her considerable strength to Senator Obama.   If Senator Obama thought his sails had wind before, just wait.  Before

    today she made him a better candidate by opposing him.  

    Just watch what happens now that we’re all together.

  • Proud to be a Democrat...

    now more than ever.

    Hillary has shown that her personal dignity and patriotic loyalty far outweigh her own ambitions, and deserves our respect and admiration for standing so strongly for party unity. It is time to tap the teamwork we all know was waiting in the wings for the general election.

    The cookie has crumbled, and we have a presumptive nominee.  Barack Obama made me so proud, as did Iowa, when they proved to the world that our nation has taken a great leap for mankind, and shaken off many of the bonds of prejudice that made us all look like self-righteous hypocrites. The future looks better every day.

    As an Edwards supporter who rode the campaign roller-coaster with him and Elizabeth for the past two years, I can only say that we all must learn to get beyond our partisan loyalties and put the future of our children and grandchildren at the top of our priority list.

    Think very seriously about the future generations we will bring into this topsy-turvy world, and how we can best adjust our own problems to relieve them of some of the inherited burdens we have currently saddled them with.

    Keep that one idea in mind and everything else will fall into place, and we will begin to make the future into something to be proud of, instead of something to fear.

    Come together, Democrats, and work together to reach out to your friends and neighbors, co-workers and loved ones, to draw them into this every growing fellowship of the future.

    That future is in our hands, if we will only reach out, united and together, and grab hold of it.
