Remember: Iowans can register to vote this Tuesday

Iowa Voters has an important post up reminding us that Iowans can register to vote right at the polling place on primary day.

If you know people who are not planning to vote this Tuesday because they are not registered, or have moved since the last time they voted or caucused, be sure to let them know that they can still participate in the primaries. Iowa Voter writes:

These late registrations have tougher rules because you must prove your identity and residence in the precinct. Use your driver’s license or other government-issued photo id card. If the card shows an incorrect address, you can use other documents to establish your address: your lease, utility bill, bank statement, government document, or paycheck that shows your address.

Use this information to help get out the vote for the candidate of your choice.

Click the link to read how Iowans can also register on election day by having an already registered voter in the precinct vouch for them. I wouldn’t gamble on every polling place worker understanding this aspect of the law, though.

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