Will Ron Paul endorse Obama?

It sounds like he is leaning that way.

Ron Paul had a strong showing in several states that may be closely contested assuming Barack Obama is the Democratic nominee. I would think Nevada would be very much in play, for instance.

Clearly a significant portion of the Republican base is still not sold on McCain. As I wrote last week, Paul got nearly 16 percent of the Republican primary voters in Pennsylvania (about 128,000 people). That was more than John Kerry’s winning margin in Pennsylvania against George Bush in 2004.

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  • I think he will

    I’m not sure how many Republican voters it would influence to move to Obama but it certainly seems it could help with donations, seeing how much money Ron Paul was able to raise.  

    • I think it might move some Paul supporters

      who would otherwise sit out the general, or vote Libertarian, to vote for Obama.

      However, I read some blogs by religious conservatives who were for Paul, and they would never support Obama because of the abortion issue.

      You are right that the fundraising could be significant. I also think the the typical Paul supporter (young and more upscale) is not unlike a lot of Obama supporters. The Ron Paul billboards and yard signs even had a similar slogan, “Hope for America.”
