Legislature gives a big raise to top elected state officials

On the last day of the 2008 session, the legislature approved big raises for Iowa’s top elected officials, the Des Moines Register reported on Monday.

Governor Chet Culver (D) would get nearly a 10 percent raise, Attorney General Tom Miller (D) would get about an 11 percent raise, and 23 percent pay hikes would go to Lieutenant Governor Patty Judge (D), Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey (R), State Auditor David Vaudt (R), Secretary of State Mike Mauro (D), and State Treasurer Michael Fitzgerald (D).

The article says the raises are intended to bring the elected officials’ salaries in line with what the top administrators of several state departments receive. It seems like quite a big jump to me, though. I would be happier with a law granting routine cost-of-living adjustments to top elected officials.

What do you think?

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  • dsm register

    according to the register article i read this morning, one reason Gov. Culvers salary is lower then some of the top state administrators is he doesn’t have to pay housing.  

    I am not sure I agree with the pay increases, and I think it would be a good idea maybe, if Culver would at least Veto his pay increase. He is already above the national average for governors.

    Also curious as to what others think.  

    • Line Item Veto

      I think what Culver ought to do is line-item veto the raise for himself (and possibly for the Lt. Gov), while keeping the raises for the other officials.

      Positions like Ag. Sec., Sec. of State, and Atty. General are huge jobs in fields where people with those skills could make so much more outside of the public service–it makes sense to raise their salaries to get the best people running for and elected to those offices.

      On principle though, I agree that the governor should be paid more. However, I guarantee that the Republicans would tar and feather him for it in the next election. Just like anyone else, a 10% raise just isn’t worth it if you might lose your job over it.
