Will Boswell agree to debate Fallon?

Ed Fallon’s campaign put out a press release yesterday challenging Congressman Leonard Boswell to agree to debate him. I’ve put the whole release after the jump, but here is a key excerpt:

Fallon has received invitations to eight debates and has accepted them all. “Unfortunately,” Fallon said, “Boswell has declined debate invitations from WHO Radio, the League of Women Voters, and Women for a Stronger America. Some of these groups have issued multiple invitations since February and have yet to receive any response from the Boswell campaign.”

“Clearly, with our economy in shambles, skyrocketing gas prices and no end in sight to the Iraq War, voters want to know how Boswell and I differ in our plans to address these and other pressing issues,” Fallon said.

Debate organizers have told Fallon’s staff that the Boswell campaign insists the Congressman is too busy in Washington to participate. “That’s puzzling,” Fallon said, “since the Congressman made time for the Drake Relays Parade this weekend and appears able to attend many fundraisers. I think in this case, actions speak louder than words.”

I contacted Boswell’s campaign to find out if he had indeed cited his busy Washington schedule as an excuse not to debate Fallon.

Press secretary Betsy Shelton e-mailed me today to say, “We are currently working with KCCI and the Des Moines Register to see if we can find a date that is mutually acceptable.”

Here’s hoping the candidates will debate at least once or twice before June 3.

Fallon’s press release also responds to recent direct-mail pieces from the Boswell campaign highlighting Fallon’s support for Ralph Nader in 2000. Click “there’s more” to read the whole thing.

Media Release

Contact: Stacy Brenton

Fallon for Congress

(515) 822-3029



Fallon Challenges Boswell to Debate

Des Moines, IA, Tuesday, April 22 (10:30 AM CDT) – Today, Ed Fallon challenged Congressman Leonard Boswell to stop practicing “the politics of deception” and agree to debate the real issues.

Fallon has received invitations to eight debates and has accepted them all. “Unfortunately,” Fallon said, “Boswell has declined debate invitations from WHO Radio, the League of Women Voters, and Women for a Stronger America. Some of these groups have issued multiple invitations since February and have yet to receive any response from the Boswell campaign.”

“Clearly, with our economy in shambles, skyrocketing gas prices and no end in sight to the Iraq War, voters want to know how Boswell and I differ in our plans to address these and other pressing issues,” Fallon said.

Debate organizers have told Fallon’s staff that the Boswell campaign insists the Congressman is too busy in Washington to participate. “That’s puzzling,” Fallon said, “since the Congressman made time for the Drake Relays Parade this weekend and appears able to attend many fundraisers. I think in this case, actions speak louder than words.”

Fallon went on, “The Boswell campaign is avoiding the issues, preferring, instead, to engage in a negative campaign against my character. They’ve sent nasty emails and disingenuous mailers that distort my record and his own. A few days ago, Boswell sent out a mailer that crossed the line even further, implying that I am responsible for the 4,000 American deaths in Iraq because I endorsed Ralph Nader in 2000. This is blatantly dishonest and it’s hypocritical. Al Gore won Iowa in 2000. While I have spoken out publicly against the war since before it began, it was Congressman Boswell who broke with the majority of House Democrats to give President Bush the authority to invade Iraq. It was also Congressman Boswell that voted year after year to continue funding the war even as our troops are redeployed three, four, or five times. It is obscene that Congressman Boswell would use the deaths of 4,000 brave Americans to further his political career.”

“Voters deserve better than this,” Fallon said. “They deserve a debate on the war, the economy, global warming, health care and campaign finance. Congressman Boswell’s voting record on all these issues is out of touch with voters in our district, and they have the right to see us debate face to face. Congressman Boswell needs to own up to his votes and either apologize or defend them.”

Fallon concluded, “I challenge Congressman Boswell to accept the remaining debate invitations, as I have. Iowans don’t want a Washington insider who thinks he can hide his record from voters through non-disclosure and negative attacks. They want a representative who will stand with them, tell them the truth, and conduct himself and his campaign with dignity and respect on their behalf.”

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