"Who Does Congressman Leonard Boswell Pull For?"

Progressive Kick launched this website today, which asks, “Who Does Congressman Leonard Boswell Pull For?–Iowans or Special Interests?

The site links to Progressive Punch tables showing Boswell’s voting record on key issues, and also to Open Secrets tables showing how much money Boswell has raised from various types of interest groups.

If you are not familiar with the Progressive Punch Congressional rankings and scorecards, or with the Center for Responsive Politics’ Open Secrets website, you should be. Those sites contain a lot of important information about our representatives.

UPDATE: Progressive Kick sent me the following press release this afternoon:

Progressive Kick Unveils Animated Web Site Spotlighting Congressman Leonard Boswell’s Voting Record & Campaign Contributions

4/18 For Immediate Release –

whoreallyownscongress.com/Boswell was unveiled today by Progressive Kick. The new web site powerfully demonstrates the links between Congressman Leonard Boswell’s (Democrat – Iowa 3rd) voting record and his campaign contributions. Joshua Grossman, Progressive Kick’s president, said that “the new site is an extremely fun place to learn about Boswell, complete with informative and entertaining animation.”

The site depicts the ways Iowans are being abandoned by Boswell by linking his voting records drawn from the Congressional votes web site, ProgressivePunch.org, along with campaign contributor information from the leading campaign finance web site, OpenSecrets.org.

Joshua Grossman went on to say that “I know of no other web site that presents so much information about a member of Congress’ voting record in such an easy to absorb way as does whoreallyownscongress.com/Boswell.”

Progressive Kick plans to profile many other members of Congress in the months ahead. Grossman said that “Progressive Kick is committed to enabling Iowans and all Americans to learn the truth about their members of Congress.”

Please visit whoreallyownscongress.com/Boswell to verify these claims for yourself! For more information, please contact admin@progressivekick.org.

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