Philadelphia debate open thread

We don’t turn on the tv while children are awake, so I won’t be watching. Maybe I will catch the repeat later.

If you watched, let us know how the candidates did.

UPDATE: The consensus in the liberal blogosphere is that the questions were a disgrace, even by the low standards set in other presidential debates this cycle. More than 40 minutes passed before a question on a real issue came up. Hugely important issues were never brought up–instead it was one stupid “gotcha” question after another directed at Barack Obama.

I’m glad I didn’t waste my time.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Judy Woodruff, who moderated the AARP forum for PBS last September, was the only journalist who did well at any of the presidential debates last year. She asked substantive, direct questions about real issues and followed up appropriately. No trick questions, no wasting time on the overblown media flap of the week.

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