Obama campaign not endorsing any other candidates in Iowa

Just got this e-mail from the Polk County Democrats:

From the Obama Campaign:

Dear Polk County Democrats,

The presidential season is still upon us and it has been fabulous to have watched the campaigns evolve in Iowa and continue to battle their way through the rest of the country.

As we all know, regardless of who the nominee is, we have work to do together as Democrats to elect a Democratic President to the White House and keep our Congress controlled by the Democrats

In the spirit of unity, we wanted to make it clear that the Obama campaign is not promoting a candidate in any of the local, state or congressional campaigns. We reject any efforts that give that impression.

If you have any questions and want to reach our campaign, please don’t hesitate to send an email to iowa@barackobama.com and we will get back to you.

Some of you may have heard about an upcoming Obama rally on Saturday. The Nation for Change Rally is being organized SOLELY by a grassroots group of Iowa Obama supporters who are excited about Senator Obama and would like to spread his message. If you would like more information on the event (Saturday, April 19th at 2:30 pm at Capitol) please email Cheryl Fasano at angelswings51@hotmail.com.


The Iowa Obama Campaign

Anyone know what this is about? I have not heard of any state, local or Congressional candidates trying to claim they have Obama’s backing.

I know that Ed Fallon is planning to be at that Obama rally on Saturday. Are they worried that the appearance will be construed as an endorsement of Fallon by Obama?

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  • I think this is what we call...

    “open source.”

    If Obama supporters want to share their time with a candidate, it does not mean Obama is endorsing that candidate. But the organization that formed from Obama’s supporters have every right to throw their own events, and this seems to be a clarification of that distinction.

    Considering the way Hillary’s FORMER campaign staffers have been so unceremoniously “released,” it is good to see there are still some unified loyal Obama people who can get together and make their own music.

    If Obama or his campaign had to start picking and choosing between the myriad local candidates across the nation, at this juncture, they wouldn’t have time to campaign.  

    So if the Iowa Obama supporters want to have their own form of local inclusion, more power to them. And their only endorsement will be their votes in November.

    Considering Obama’s lead in the national polls, anyone who is running for office in Iowa would surely not be making a bad political choice to pay a visit to one of these open-source events his supporters are throwing.

    Sounds like a lot of fun.
