Leadership poll: Chet Culver

It’s been many months since we posted these regularly, and I want to restart the tradition.

Take the poll after the jump, and if you like, explain your vote in the comments section.

Tags: Chet Culver

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  • Culver

    Works his butt off. I hope he is able to get more done in the next two years though

    • Amen!

      He’s certainly shaken off the whole “Culver is an idiot” meme the Republicans were floating in the election.

      I strongly approve, although I think the 10/8 bottle bill idea was phenomenally bad and pretty much killed our chances of getting water and juice bottles on the nickel program this session.  

      • I've been positively surprised

        by Culver.  Compared to Vilsack, it seems like he has surrounded himself with better, more competent people.  But when I’ve heard him speak, I cannot have anything but flashbacks to the “Culver is an idiot” thoughts I held during the election season.  In that regard, he still very much reminds me of W.

        For me, the big test for Culver will be the two coal plant proposals.  If he does not find a way to stop those, like Kansas and Florida governors did, he will be a huge disappointment.  With his campaign’s heavy focus on renewable energy, he really needs to show leadership on the coal plants.  Otherwise all his other energy proposals are meaningless.

  • Have had only good things to say until this recent Collective bargaining bill

    I had to bump Culver down a notch after he threatened to veto the collective bargaining bill.  
