Obama Gains in Pocahontas Convention

Obama gained on Clinton in the Pocahontas county convention today, as each candidate won three of the six delegates to the state convention.  Despite a personal message from John Edwards to one of his Pocahontas fans earlier this very morning, the 18 Edwards delegates went their separate ways.

 Of the 50 seats in Pocahontas, Clinton had claimed 16 at January caucuses while Obama had captured only 9.  By the time the Edwards camp collapsed and the handfull of Biden, Richardson and uncommitted delegates realigned, the vote was .  . . .wait for it  . . .23-23!  Four delegates declined to associate with either preference group.

 Thus Obama went from 18% strength here in January to 50% now.  Clinton grew from 32% to 50%.

 A discussion of two pages of platform planks yielded these results among others;  FOR a single payer health insurance system; FOR public financing of Iowa political campaigns; FOR electing the President directly instead of using the electoral college. 

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