Register editorial board raps Boswell

In the Sunday opinion section, the Des Moines Register editorial board gave Leonard Boswell a “thistle” for using his franking privilege to send out a brochure that “crashes across” the line between “legitimate constituent communication and overt political campaigning.”

Ed Fallon has already complained about Boswell sending out campaign communications at the taxpayers’ expense.

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  • Boswell deserves his thistle

    I have received three of these glossy mailers.  One on health care, one on energy, and the last one on economy.  Boswell has definitely crossed the line with these.  They really look like campaign materials, including the wording.  When I got the first one I assumed it was a campaign mailer.  Only after I read about Fallon’s complaint in the paper did I go back and realize it was from his congressional office.

    • I missed the first two

      I assume they arrived when I was sick a few weeks back.

      Absolutely, these are campaign materials. It would be one thing if Boswell had a history of sending this kind of brochure out periodically, but he hasn’t done it in the past.

      I wonder if he will pay attention to the Register’s thistle, or if we will continue to get these glossy mailings all spring.
