Thanks to Betsy for the roundup, which came while I was in the hospital. -desmoinesdem
Rick Renzi’s under indictment, Sue Myrick gets caught with her fingers in the cookie jar – possibly legally, Patrick McHenry has questions surrounding just about everything he does, John Shadegg can’t make up his mind. How many more Republicans will get caught up in legal or ethical controversies prior to November?
One way to stay on top of this is to follow along with the state blogs. We’re discussing our congress critters and their shenanigans long before it hits the national scene. Stop by. Check us out. You too can be the first to know.
The roundup for last week is after the jump.
New Mexico Republican Senate candidate Steve Pearce says legalizing same sex marriage will lead to legalized pedophilia. Classy.
California The California Yachting association wants you to call the California Republican Party and thank them for not taxing your yachts!
Virginia Rep. Frank Wolf (R-10th) politicizes the Iraq Study Group
Texas Krazypuppy at Texas Kaos thinks John McCain may have gotten a bit too smart for his own good. FEC Investigates McCain, May Be Forced to Use Public Financing.
North Dakota North Dakota’s Republican Realtor-legislators and developers plan to build the Emperor a new prison using hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars so they can subdivide public riverfront land and build McMansions and starter castles.
Alabama Payday lending vultures thrive where “fake Christians” have political power.
Maryland Art Brodsky of Public Knowledge comments on a bill to collect information on broadband deployment.
Nebraska Republican Attorney General Jon Bruning claims to be “surprised and disappointed” by the Nebraska Supreme Court’s declaring the electric chair an unconstitutional form of capital punishment. Never mind that the notorious hypocrite is on record as a state senator predicting and expressing support for the court’s decision.
Oregon Rasmussen polls the Oregon Senate race, and finds Gordon Smith vulnerable, two strong Democratic challengers running within range despite low name ID. The Oregon Republican Party admitted this week the IRS has a lien on their assets, they’re a quarter million dollars in debt, they got kicked out of their already crappy strip mall office, and they owe AT&T 60 grand. So much for effective GOTV in that open seat in CD5!
West Virginia Keeping an eye on the right in W.Va., first with “Cartoon: Maynard and the 3.5 Million Dollar Man respond” and next with… Keeping an eye on the right in W.Va., first with “Cartoon: Maynard and the 3.5 Million Dollar Man respond” and next with…Keeping an eye on the right in W.Va., first with “Cartoon: Maynard and the 3.5 Million Dollar Man respond” and next with… Keeping an eye on the right in W.Va., first with Cartoon: Maynard and the 3.5 Million Dollar Man respond” and next with… a look at coal industry Sludgeroots”
South Dakota If Steve Kirby runs against Tim Johnson, he’ll be making a big mistake. If Steve Kirby runs against Tim Johnson, he’ll be making a big mistake.If Steve Kirby runs against Tim Johnson, he’ll be making a big mistake.
Vermont Ben Cohen redecorates his vehicle for Obama
Minnesota In an important race, some Dems are doing their best to be as dirty as possible in Minnesota’s Third district open seat race.
Ohio Could the Ohio Democratic Party Chairman and his three superdelegate votes be leaning towards getting onboard with Team Clinton?
Ohio Chris Baker gives a moving personal perspective on the Clinton legacy in Ohio in The Prodigal NAFTA.
Kentucky BlueGrassRoots carpetbombs Chuck Schumer, Gov. Steve Beshear and the KY Dem Party for the Horne/Lunsford debacle that let Mitch McConnell off the hook. Chuck Schumer responds by slamming the KY blogosphere. Falsely.
Nevada NV-02: Jill Derby announced this week she’ll seek a rematch against Republican freshman Congressman Dean Heller.
Louisiana Supporters of Gilda Reed, including Ryan of the Daily Kingfish, held a 24 hour blogathon fundraiser for Democratic Candidate Gilda Reed at Daily Kos. All of the posts are linked to here. Here’s a look at one of the Democratic candidates’ ads in LA-06. Here’s a look at another one of the Democratic candidates’ ads in LA-06.
Michigan Some thoughts on how to do better GOTV in Michigan
North Carolina It’s been rumored for years, but BlueNC outlines how Republican Sue Myrick is legally(?) pocketing hundreds of thousands in campaign contributions.
Arizona At AZNetroots Shadegg is back in an Renzi is out……for a loooooong time.
Colorado At Squarestate, they’re laughing at The Heritage Foundation.
Connecticut At My Left Nutmeg, they take at look at Lieberman as McCain’s VP.
New York Daily Gotham sees a brewing fight between party establishment and netroots in New York.
Idaho They’re discussing bigots in Idaho at 43rd State Blues.
Illinois Illinois GOP Advocate Wants Women and Girls Investigated for Using Birth Control…..This is not a joke.