50-State Blog Network Weekly Roundup

This week’s round-up comes courtesy of Betsy at BlueNC. -Chris

Happy New Year and Congratulations to Iowa Democrats on the excellent turnout for yesterday’s caucuses.

Below is an abbreviated roundup for our 50-State community blogs. Enjoy reading up on what’s important in states across the country. Onward to New Hampshire!

Go to the extended entry to read more…

   Silence Dogood writes what has been on many Georgia Democratic activists minds. Mike Jacobs is the most recent party switcher in Georgia.

   Has Utah State Representative Craig Frank ever faced an opponent?

   What Might Have Been: “George Allen’s Curse”

   Here’s some insider information on her precinct’s caucus results from Demoinesdem, who did a great job explaining the caucus procedures to us over the past several weeks.

New Hampshire
   2008 brings civil unions to New Hampshire and Blue Hampshire has a post on one of the first in the state.

North Carolina
   BlueNC hosted congressional candidate Larry Kissell for our first live-blog of 2008. Come by and read his comments and while you’re visiting let us know what you think of our new site design.

   Corporate bagman Congressman Al Wynn is coming round to robocall.

West Virginia
   West Virginia Blue revisits the most popular diaries of 2007.

   My Silver State informs us that El Mundo, Southern Nevada’s Spanish language newspaper, is endorsing Hillary Rodham Clinton.

   At Left in Alabama, Julie expounds on “Life, Liberty and Happiness.”

   At Michigan Liberal, Eric B has a good discussion going on about whether Michigan is being ignored and whether moving the primary date up achieved the desired results. Here’s the scoop on how early voting is going so far in Michigan’s Jan 15th primary

   At FLA Politics they’re covering a phony tax crisis….among many other things.

At Tennessee Views they’re discussing reasons for low voter turnout in, “Your vote definitely won’t count if you don’t vote”.

   Democratic State Sen. Ken Gordon trying to push SoS Mike Coffman (R-Questionable Ethics) to use paper ballots after massive e-machine decertification

New York
   The Albany Project notices that Kirsten Gllibrand’s (NY-20) self financing challenger has already triggered the FEC’s so called ‘Millionaire’s Amendment’ a full year before E-day ’08.

   Greenlynndemocrat tells it like it is on Bloomberg’s threat to enter the presidential race.

North Dakota
   It looks like Chet has opened up a big old can of worms over at North Decoder.

   Calitics reports on the retirement plans of Rep. Tom Lantos who has been diagnosed with espohogeal cancer.

New Mexico
   A candidate for Congress, Don Wiviott, is going to challenge a new law restricting the number of people who can get on a ballot.

   In Connecticut campaign contributions are now easier to track.

New Jersey
   At Blue Jersey they’re discussing growing opposition to Corzine’s school funding formula.

   At Show Me Progress, Blue Girl is wondering, “What do you give the FBI when it already has everything, including our Fourth Amendment Rights?”

   At Fired Up Missouri they’re looking for Governor Matt Blunt and find him playing dress up all over the state.

   Prairie State Blue offers us some background on their 2007 Profile In Courage recipient Dan Kotowski.

   The 2007 Bluegrass Rooties! These awards document the Kentucky highlights and lowlights, heroes and villains of this foul year of our lord, 2007. Much snark to be had.

About the Author(s)

Chris Woods
