Welcome to Iowa, out-of-state volunteers

It’s the day after Christmas, and hundreds or perhaps thousands of Democrats from all over the country will soon travel to Iowa to volunteer for their favorite presidential candidate.

I know we are supposed to laugh at the “fish out of water” trying to persuade Iowa caucus-goers, but I appreciate the level of commitment these people show by coming here and walking the walk.

Gordon Fischer linked to this article from the New York Observer: Hillary Bundlers Canvass, Humbly, in Iowa. He titled his post, “Future Presidential Candidates Take Note: How NOT To Run An Iowa Campaign.”

I admit that I laughed a few times when I read the article, but mostly I give these rich New Yorkers a lot of credit. They’re wealthy enough to pay other people to do everything for them, but here they were on a cold day in December, walking the streets of Ames to encourage Iowans to caucus for their personal friend, Hillary Clinton.

I like reading diaries by out-of-state volunteers, no matter which candidate they are supporting. So if you are visiting Iowa to help out with a campaign, consider putting up a diary like this one by icebergslim or this one by clarkent to tell us about your experiences.

If you’re in the Des Moines area and need restaurant recommendations, e-mail me at desmoinesdem AT yahoo.com. We have a lot of good options!

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  • I don't take offense to that at all...

    And I don’t think that’s a blunder. In fact, I think it’s great that these folks get out of their comfort zone (which, the article implies, doesn’t extend much past Midtown) and join in the caucus game. Anytime you can get someone to sit down and talk face-to-face with you, you’ve gotten them to take the time to think about your candidate in some small way. Sure they were a little abrasive at times, but heck, I’ve seen worse sins committed in the name of the caucuses than being a little pushy.

    I don’t know where some people get the idea that we Iowans are a bunch of people who cry “damn Yankees” when someone from out of state comes to our door or calls us on the phone. It’s just not true.

    • the media published so much

      about the Deaniacs in orange hats turning off Iowans. I think the undecided voters had ruled out Dean before then, but a lot of people think the out-of-state GOTVers hurt him.
