Federal jury acquits Matt McCoy

Just a quick-hit diary to note that a federal jury didn’t take long to acquit Senator Matt McCoy of Des Moines on charges of attempted extortion:


I haven’t followed the case closely, but it always seemed fishy to me, given what we know about how Bush’s Department of Justice has encouraged U.S. attorneys to prosecute Democrats.

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  • The jury only deliberated for two hours.

    so it must not have been much of a case.

  • What he should have been convicted of

    is pure stupidity.  Any elected official who gets involved in business with the government entity they are elected to legislate for is a complete idiot.  For that alone, McCoy should resign.

    • can't argue with you there

      also, that whole business of getting a check for $2,500 from Ruan with “Mike Blouen [sic]” in the memo line was stupid. (McCoy turned around and donated $2,500 to Blouin a few days later.)

  • Another one bites the dust

    I am really interested in all of these stories.  I wish some reporter could really get a connection between Rove and all of them – these stories have his name written all over them.  

    Here in very Republican San Diego 3 new, fresh Democratic city councilmen were brought down by a very fishy bribery investigation a couple of years ago.  One of the councilmen died of liver failure before the trial and the other 2 were convicted. One verdict was ultimately lowered, and one was struck down by a higher court because the cases were so thin.  However the damage was done.  Our media here is frustratingly conservative and their political careers are done.  

    These kinds of stories make me feel like I am crazy.  How is it possible that an administration with such an astronomical amount of corruption and foul play can be met with such wimpyness from our Democratic leaders?  Rove and co. have literally destroyed the lives and careers of countless Democratic by SENDING THEM TO JAIL.  

    Before 2006 I was the guy always defending the Dems against the wimp charge.  I was always arguing it was because we didn’t have control of Congress. I literally cried when we won control. What really has changed??? I need to go to bed before I get too depressed…

    Next year things will be better……
