Stick a fork in Rudy--he's done

Well, I thought Rudy Giuliani’s campaign would go down in flames because of his connections to the federally indicted Bernie Kerik, or because he blew off attending the Iraq Study Group meetings in order to give $100,000 speeches.

But little did I know that the mayor billed city agencies for his security detail during daytime visits to his mistress and allowed said mistress to use the New York Police Department as her “personal taxi service”.

The guy is more brazen and corrupt than I ever imagined.

Anyone think his campaign can last until January 3?

UPDATE: Keep an eye on Josh Marshall’s Talking Points Memo blog. His crew are digging into various aspects of this story, and he is posting frequent updates:

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  • I hope you are right!

    I agree with you about Josh Marshall’s coverage – as always it is excellent.

    However I can’t believe that this story is not bigger than it is. {I know I shouldn’t be…} Imagine if this story broke about any of the Democrats. I looked for the story on the major Newspaper sites this morning and only the Times mention it on their front page. I guess covering the “rumors” about Obama being Muslim is more important.

  • I hope you are right!

    I agree with you about Josh Marshall’s coverage – as always it is excellent.

    However I can’t believe that this story is not bigger than it is. {I know I shouldn’t be…} Imagine if this story broke about any of the Democrats. I looked for the story on the major Newspaper sites this morning and only the Times mention it on their front page. I guess covering the “rumors” about Obama being Muslim is more important.

  • Eh...

    Rudy could burn down Disneyland and some Republicians still wouldn’t care. Buh-buh-buh-but 9/11!

  • Did you notice that TPM

    has labeled the honey money as “the shag fund…”

    Still LingOL, Rudy’s meandering philandering may have finally caught up to him.

    Mistress Distress!

    Three strikes, you’re out (or would you call them “foul balls?”)

  • Speaking of R's

    I can’t help but root for Huckabee. I just can’t stand Rudy or Mitt. I will take an honest, down-to-earth Christian conservative any day over those two.

    • yes and no

      He seems like the least objectionable of the bunch, but for that very reason he would be the toughest to beat in the general. And his judicial appointments would be just as bad as anyone’s.

      I am hoping the Club for Growth will be able to derail his candidacy, but the ads they ran against him before the Ames straw poll didn’t make a dent.
