Biden going up on the air in Iowa

Joe Biden's campaign has posted the candidate's new tv ad in Iowa, along with Biden's answers from this morning's debate, over at Daily Kos:


Click over and watch the ad, “Cathedral,” if you haven't seen it yet. I think it will get people talking and looking up that website.

Biden is positioning himself as the candidate with the solution to the Iraq problem. I don't happen to favor his partition proposal, but I think it's good that he is putting the plan out there. Let's debate who has the best plan for getting us out of Iraq quickly and safely.

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  • Biden's plan makes sense, IMO.

    I agree that we cannot walk out on Iraq as it is today. I think we need to phase out our “combat” troops while simultaneously restructuring the Iraqi government. Only than will Iraq have a chance at the peace and stability that is so important for that region.

    I take issue with candidates that think we need to “send a message” and bring all our troops home, leaving Iraq with a government form that SIMPLY DOES NOT WORK.

    I believe it is the height of American irresponsibility and folly if we leave Iraq before changing the direction it is headed in. Iraq currently lacks lack the stability necessary for SUSTAINABLE peace.

    The war will not end for America just because we removed our troops from Iraq. American fighting may temporarily cease, but the war WE started will not be over. The chicken will come home to roost, so to speak. One such chicken that continues to haunt this farm master-minded the largest and bloodiest attack on our country that we have ever suffered at the hands of a foreign power.

    If NOTHING else, Afghanistan should have taught us that we can no longer afford to be short-sighted in our understanding of terms like war and peace.

    Biden, of ALL candidates, appears to be looking at the BIG PICTURE here. Peace for America and peace for the Iraq is not as easy as pulling troops out and hoping for the best. Not only is this irresponsible, it is also unwise.

    • you assume

      that by staying we can help create a more stable situation than by leaving. I am not convinced that this partition plan is workable. I don’t see the incentives for the parties to go along with it. Why should they, if Saudi Arabia is willing to fund and are Sunni insurgents, and Iran is willing to fund and arm Shia?

      I don’t see how we can enforce a plan that is not accepted by the warring parties.

  • Biden's Ad is Dishonest

    He’s the only candidate with a plan?  Really?  I think every other candidate would dispute that statement, and with just cause.

    Biden has worked for years to restrict foreign policy debate to discussion between right-wing and center-right positions, and is doing the same thing for Iraq.  There is *no evidence* that a troop withdrawal will lead to overwhelming violence and bloodshed, and at least circumstantial evidence that it won’t.  Biden has been the leading Democratic voice in making this conventional wisdom though, and for that reason alone deserves to be voted out of the Senate, never mind into the Presidency.

    And don’t get me started on the Bankruptcy Bill…
