50-State Blog Network Weekly Roundup

Welcome to this week’s roundup, brought to you by Clem G. of West Virginia Blue. So much for August as a slow news month… there’s plenty to dig into here.

Of Special Note

* Congratulations to The Albany Project. As Phillip Anderson puts it,

I’d have to say the highlight of our week was the Governor stopping by to congratulate us on a great convention in Chicago and inform our readers that he will soon be starting a regular liveblogging gig at The Albany Project. it’s pretty cool.

* MyLeftNutmeg recaps the many stories of the one year aniversary of Ned Lamont’s primary victory. Lamont’s victory, showing Democrats the power of embracing the Democratic Party, led directly to our 2008 general election gains.

Social, Economic and Environmental Justice

* Wasatch Watcher asks: Does mine boss Robert Murray care about the trapped miners?

* Square State has the sad story of Outrageous Discrimination Against Latino Citizens.

* RI Future questions why Republican Gov. Don Carcieri is using taxpayer dollars on a right-wing lawyer to oppose a same sex marriage dispute in the RI Supreme Court.

* Yoda of PrairieStateBlue walks a picket line with John Edwards.

* BlueMassGroup discusses the LGBT presidential forum.

* Left In The West has the reality-based view of Idaho’s wild fire season (it’s shaping up to be a bad one).

* BlueHampshire has a captivating diary on the need for substantive debate on predatory lending and mortgage servicing fraud (as well as the frustrations of being a citizen prop for a Presidential campaign).

* At TexasKaos the look into capital punishment rates and wonder why the state of Texas is so keen to kill its citizens.

All Politics are Local

* It’s impossible to keep up with everything in a huge state like California. For a one two stop hit of top stories, visit Calitics for this week’s roundup of state stories and highlight of Calitics local stories.

* Burnt Orange Report announces an exciting initiative: TexBlog PAC.

* Don’t let the Republicans find out, but Green Mountain Daily lets slip the news that sometimes government really does work.

* KeyStone Politics has the disappointing news of Philadelphia schools dropping “recognition months”.

On Blogging

*PrairieStateBlue writes in praise of lurkers.

* Bleeding Heartland wonders if political blogs have a higher tolerance for dissent than non-political blogs. Interesting question. What do you think?

* Turn Maine Blue lays down some guidelines for candidates posting on the front-page.

* The Daily Gotham tells “what we publish, how, and why”.

Candidates and Elections

* My Silver State tells of a encouraging visit (with video) by Obama to Elko.

* West Virginia Blue notes wildly popular Gov. Manchin may have long coat-tails with straight party ticket voting in West Virginia in 2008.

* Wasatch Watcher reports: Barack Obama stops over in Utah.

* Check out a new congressional candidate and a new (maybe) congressional candidate at Michigan Liberal.

* AZ Netroots continues their loud cry for help. Why isn’t there a Democratic challenger yet for AZ-01?

* In Watching the Right in Florida FLA Politics announces a network of blogs to, well, watch the right in Florida!

* Tondee’s Tavern is pleased Bill Gillespie is making moves to enter GA-01 race.

* At Blue Indiana, candidate Barry Walsh (IN-06) diaries about his formal announcement of candidacy.

* Daily Kingfish dissects the LA-GOV race to conclude… Jindal can be beaten.

* Blue Jersey makes the case against Republican Rep. Jim Saxton (NJ-03)

* BlueNC has some cool news. Dem. challenger Larry Kissell (NC-08) is welcoming Ambassador Joe Wilson to the state for a fund-raiser.

* Jerid reflects on his summer in New Hampshire for Buckeyestateblog.

* State Sen. Andrew Rice’s announcement of a U.S. Senate bid against Jim Inhofe is the big news at Blue Oklahoma.

* Horse’s Ass (WA) reminds us all why Darcy Burner is a netroots hero (w/ video)

Politicians, Governing and Mis-Governing

* From Michigan Liberal: the short-lived blog ban by the MI Senate is now over.

* Left In Alabama points out the self-serving nature of the Republican governor’s proposed reforms.

* Susan Collins (ME) is caught at Turn Maine Blue holding a farce of a virtual town hall meeting.

* Free State Politics reminds us, it’s not too early to start thinking about NCLB Reauthorization

* What is the connection between Peter Smith, Tim Pawlenty, and the I35 bridge collapse? MN Campaign Report has the answer.

* Fired Up! Missouri wonders why Gov. Matt Blunt is asking Supreme Court nominees 111 questions.

* NMFBIHOP notes the US Attorney scandal is refocusing on Republican Rep. Heather Wilson.

* Rumsfield v. Kucinich (video)is the highlight at AsOhioGoes.

* Upitty Wisconsin finds the ring wing compalining because Republican Attorney General follows the law.

* At West Virginia Blue Carnacki more attentions pays to what vulnerable Republian Rep. Capito (WV-02) does than what she says.

About the Author(s)

Chris Woods
