Biden to get statehouse endorsements next Tuesday

Got an e-mail from the Biden campaign:

July 3rd: Enjoy a day at the State Capitol. Stop by the Yankee Doodle Pops and then come see Senator Biden's 2:30pm press conference on the steps. Several major State Legislators will be endorsing Biden and you can join in the festivities.

July 4th: March with Senator Biden in the Urbandale Parade. Line up is at 9:30am on 70th St between Palm Dr. and Roseland Dr. The parade starts at 10am. Wave to the crowds and share the excitement of Independence Day as you and Senator Biden< make your way through Urbandale. July 4th: Come to Senator Biden's backyard Barbecue hosted at the home of Nate and Meg Boulton. Guests are welcome at 1:30pm. This is a great chance to experience the Senator and Presidential Candidate one on one, ask questions, and enjoy a beautiful day. For details or to RSVP please contact Raena, or 515-440-2008.

Anyone know who's planning to endorse Biden?

Anyone keeping track of the statehouse endorsements so far? The only one I know of for sure is Staci Appel, who's on the Hillary bandwagon. 

About the Author(s)


  • Endorsements

    I know that Obama has Sen. Dvorsky as well as Reps. Tyler Olson and Elesha Gayman.  Edwards has Rep. Kurt Swain.  The two endorsements that Biden already has from legislators are Sen. Joe Seng and Rep. Jim Lykam.  That’s it, so far, I believe.

    • I have seen Mark Kuhn and Geri Huser

      at Edwards events, but I do not know if either has endorsed Edwards.

      • Why would Huser endorse a Democrat?

        I thought she be more in favor of a moderate like Rudy or McCain.

        • Geri Huser is a Democrat

          Not a very good Democrat, but still a Democrat. Didn't she go for Edwards before the last caucuses? I think she did.

          Her dad, developer Ed Skinner, had a large-dollar fundraiser for Edwards at his home a few weeks back.

          • 2004 Endorsements

            Here are the legislator endorsements from 2004:

            Howard Dean
            State Sens. Daryl Beall, Joseph Bolkcom
            State Reps. Polly Bukta, Marcella Frevert, Bruce Hunter, Donald Shoultz, Gregory Stevens, Cindy Winckler
            Out of that group, the only one for sure who I know who is still not an elected official is Stevens

            John Edwards
            State Sen. Keith Kreiman
            State Reps. Dennis Cohoon, Ro Foege, Wayne Ford, Geri Huser, Kurt Swaim

            Dick Gebhardt
            State Sens. Thomas Courtney, Dick Dearden, Bill Dotzler, Bob Dvorsky
            State Reps. John Connors, Mark Kuhn, Helen Miller, John Whitaker, Wesley Whitead
            Of this group, I know that Connors is the only person no longer an elected official

            John Kerry
            State Sens. Dennis Black, Mike Connolly, Jack Hatch, Jack Kibbie,Matt McCoy, Roger Stewart, Steve Warnstadt
            State Reps. Paul Bell, Deborah Berry, Swati Dandekar, Mark Davitt, Mary Gaskill, Jane Greimann, Lisa Heddens, Dave Jacoby, Pam Jochum, Mary Mascher, Jo Oldson, Donovan Olson, Bob Osterhaus, Janet Petersen, Brian Quirk, Mark Smith, Doug Struyk (switched from Lieberman), Dick Taylor, Roger Thomas, Roger Wendt
            Janet Peterson was a big Evan Bayh supporter during his 2006 nascent presidential campaign that never came to be.

            State Rep. Ed Fallon
            Fallon is no longer an elected official, but is supporting Edwards this time around.

            State Reps. Kevin McCarthy, Mike Reasoner, Paul Shomshor, Phil Wise, Doug Struyk (switch to Kerry announced Jan. 6, 2004)

            All in all, 14 Democratic state senators (out of 21 total) and 41 Democratic state representatives (out of 47) made endorsements in 2004.

            Here is the list of those who either did not make endorsements or there was no information available:
            State Senators:
            Eugene Fraise
            Michael Gronstal
            Jack Holveck
            Wally Horn
            Herman Quirmbach
            Amanda Ragan
            Joe Seng
            State Representatives
            Robert Hogg
            Vicki Lensing
            Jim Lykam
            Dolores Mertz
            Pat Murphy
            Todd Taylor

            So, for 2008, both Olson and Gayman’s endorsements for Obama are new (they were not elected officials in the 2004 cycle). Sen. Dvorsky has moved from supporting Gebhardt in 04 to Obama this time around (that’s kind of interesting if you ask me).

            Edwards again has Rep. Swaim.

            Biden has picked up Sen. Seng and Rep. Lykam (who both didn’t publicly endorse in 04).

            It will undoubtedly be interesting to see where the rest of the chips fall.  And it’ll be particularly interesting to see if Edwards can hold onto the endorsements he received in 04 from state legislators.

          • I knew she is a Dem

            I didn't know her dad was Ed Skinner, who is an Edwards supporter.  It just doesn't seem like a Consevative Democrat would be supporting Edwards, who is running a populist campaign.

  • Biden gets Heddens, Reasoner, and Taylor endorsements

    Biden got the endorsement of two Asst. Maj. leaders in the House.  You can find my full story here at Iowa Independent.

  • Biden is talking out of both sides of his mouth on Iraq

    It bothers me to see Biden traveling across Iowa saying that if any other Democratic Presidential candidate wins in '08 someday our grandchilren will be back fighting in Iraq.  Talk about negative framing and playing into the hands of Republicans.

    <strong>Biden is trying to have it both ways: he says he would get "almost all U.S. forces from Iraq by the end of 2007</a>" and then turns around and criticizes other Democrats' plans as leading to chaos because they'll remove our troops from Iraq too quickly. Is that being a honest statesman that Biden claims he is?</strong>

    Biden's plan calls for leaving a sizeable number of US combat troops in Iraq, then getting the Iraqis to stop fighting with each other, share oil revenue among Iraqis and adopt a decentralized federal government.  Sounds great – but you know what – it's not up to the US President to dictate to Iraqis how they should run their country.  And the last thing any Arab government is going to do is march hand and hand with an American President and change their Constitution because our President wants their Constitution changed. 

    Yes, we need diplomacy when we withdraw our forces, but not a heavy-handed, America knows best approach. We've had seven years of arrogance with Bush, adding four more years with Biden will set in motion further conflict.

    The candidate with the best plan for Iraq is Richardson because: 1) he call for a total withdrawal of U.S. forces and 2) Richardson has the foreign policy experience and expertise to wage the diplomatic offensive that will be necessary in conjunction with a US withdrawal.  Read more at
