Upcoming environmental events in central Iowa

I got an e-mail from the central Iowa chapter of the Sierra Club publicizing several upcoming volunteer opportunities, nature hikes and other events.

Join me after the jump if you care to learn more.

Here is an excerpt from the e-mail:

Sunday, May 6, Yellow Banks County Park, Habitat Restoration
  Help cut multi-flora rose and bush honeysuckle in Yellow Banks County Park in SE Polk County, Sunday afternoon, May 6.  Meet at 2:00 p.m. at the maintenance shed just inside the park, assuming good weather.  If you can help, call Penny at 262-1224–or just show up if you are familiar with the meeting location.  Difficulty level, moderate. Wear long pants and a long-sleeved shirt. Bring gloves and loppers if you have them.  They will be working in the hills east of the pond–a lovely part of the park to spend a couple of hours in on a beautiful day.

Saturday, May 12, Garlic Mustard Workday in Ashworth/Greenwood Parks, Des Moines
  Help pull this invasive plant that crowds out native plants of the forest floor. Meet at 9:00 a.m. at the trailhead parking area for the Bill Riley Bike Trail, south of Grand Avenue on 45th Street in Des Moines. We will work until 12:00; come for an hour or all morning. There will be volunteers to show you what the plant looks like and where to work. Difficulty level, moderate. Wear long pants and a long-sleeved shirt. We will have bags. Contact Jo at johudson AT qwest.net or 276-6359 for information.

Tuesday Weekly Hikes
  Sierra Club Tuesday Evening Hikes resumed on May 1 and run through August 28.  They are held at a different location each week around the Greater Des Moines Area, begin at 6:30 p.m., and end around 8 p.m. This is a great way to get to know hiking areas you may have never visited, or to revisit old favorite trails.  For all hikes, please contact the hike leader to sign up each week so you can get  directions and be notified if there is any change in plans. You may request to be placed on an email list to automatically be notified of each week’s hike and any changes. Difficulty level is easy to moderate. Hiking boots or sturdy walking shoes are recommended, as are light weight long pants, water and mosquito repellent. Bring rain gear whenever the weather suggests a chance of rain.

TUESDAY, MAY 8: Weekly Evening Hike  6:30 p.m.
  Urban hike from Gray’s Lake Boat Rental below the south side parking lot–meet at 6:30 p.m.. We will walk from there to Court Avenue via the bike path along the Raccoon River down to Principal Park–the confluence of the Des Moines River and Raccoon River–and loop back along the river. Easy to Moderate: about 1.5 hours (about 4 miles)–may include a dinner stop if group wants. See the May 1 hike announcement for details, and contact Phyllis to sign up and get directions at goodmanph AT mchsi.com or 274-4319.

TUESDAY, MAY 15: Weekly Evening Hike
  This week’s locations are Easter Lake County Park and Ewing Park..  Contact Peggy Brown at peggybrowndm AT yahoo.com or 285-6864 to sign up and get directions.  See the May 1 hike announcement for details.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 16: Des Moines Public Program-7:30 p.m.
  John Walkowiak of the Iowa DNR Forestry Bureau will speak about the invasive “emerald ash borer” and the threat it presents for our forests and city streets and parks.  Emerald ash borer is a destructive wood boring beetle that was first identified in 2002 in Michigan.  More than 25 million ash trees are dead or dying from the insect in Michigan alone.  Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Maryland and parts of Canada are also fighting the insect. Emerald ash borer larvae feed just under the bark of ash trees, killing the tree in 2-5 years, by preventing the flow of water and nutrients in the tree.  Unlike other native wood boring beetles, this insect attacks perfectly healthy ash trees, not just previously-stressed trees.  Iowa has approximately 70 million ash trees, 20 million of which are in Iowa towns and cities.

Monthly programs are held at Grace United Methodist Church, located at 37th and Cottage Grove and begin at 7:30 p.m. Call Jane at 223-5047 jrclark AT radiks.net for information.


Also of interest but not organized by Sierra Club:

SUNDAY, May 6, 2007 12-2 pm

May 6, 2007 

Rally & Petition Drive

Save This Ancient Forest

NW Corner of 142nd and Douglas in Urbandale, Iowa

A developer and the City of Urbandale are planning a 95% destruction of the 27 acres of hills and trees in this 200+ year-old mature Oak Savanna.  It is one of the last old-growth forests in the metro area!!  Your action is the only chance to save this unique and precious Iowa resource.  The decision will be made at the City Council meeting on Tues., May 8, 7 pm.

How can you help?  Attend the rally.  Gather petitions.

CALL / EMAIL the City of Urbandale and ask them to save this forest as a city park! 

Phone: 515.278.3900 email:cityhall AT urbandale.org


Backyard Composter Truckload Sale

Saturday, May 5 & May 12 from 7:00 am to 12:00 noon

Iowa State Fairgrounds Midway in Des Moines

Iowa Recycling Association in partnership with
  “The Bargain Garden” Krieger Gardens Annual Plant Sale

The Iowa Recycling Association will offer the Earth Machine Backyard Composter for sale at a greatly reduced price.  For $47 individuals can get everything needed for rich, beneficial soil for all gardening and yard care needs.  Normally retailing for $90, the 80 gallon composter is made from recycled plastic, snaps together easily and will fit in any car.  The composting bin is indispensable for any gardener and will provide nutrient-rich soil for years to come!  Proceeds from the sale will benefit environmental education across the state of Iowa.

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