Richardson's tv ads

Bill Richardson is running tv ads in Iowa and New Hampshire, and you can view them here at his campaign’s website.

There’s a 60-second biographical ad and a 30-second ad on foreign policy. My favorite line: “I approved this message because being stubborn isn’t a foreign policy.”

We don’t watch much tv aside from The Daily Show and Colbert Report, so I have no idea how often these ads are running. Anyone out there seen them on tv? Hear anyone mention seeing them? Do you think they will be effective?

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  • Impressed with his ads

    I really like his ads.  They highlight his extensive resume.  Richardson is currently #3 on my list and think he would be the ideal VP candidate for either one of my top 2 choices.

    • I also thought they were good ads

      At MyDD several people questioned the use of the photo of Richardson with a smiling Saddam Hussein in an ad designed to introduce Richardson to the electorate.

      I thought it took guts to put that photo in there. I assume the campaign figured that someone was going to pull out that against him eventually, so why act embarrassed about it? Also, now that a majority of Americans believe the war in Iraq was not worthwhile, they must assume it’s safe to highlight Richardson’s experience with diplomacy in this area.

      My husband is considering Richardson. He is not liberal enough for us on economic policy, which causes my husband some concern. However, he has such extensive legislative, executive and diplomatic experience, that my husband is considering overlooking his ideological differences with Richardson.

      I agree, he’d be a great asset to the ticket, though I wonder if he would agree to serve as VP.
