Kerry is Out

(Here's the link. - promoted by Drew Miller)

The Boston Globe says Kerry will not run again in 2008.

“Massachusetts Senator John Kerry plans to announce he will not run for president in 2008. Kerry, the 2004 Democratic nominee who narrowly lost to George Bush, said he will seek reelection to his Senate seat next year and will recommit himself to removing the United States from the war in Iraq, senior Democratic officials told The Boston Globe.”

Doesn’t come as a huge suprise, though he wanted to run again, the support wasn’t there for another go.

Any thoughts?

Tags: John Kerry

About the Author(s)

Big Lug

  • Any idea where his supporters go

    in Iowa?  I know the latest Zogby Iowa poll had him at 3%, but others had him higher and national polls put him in the mid-to-high single-digits.  So, though limited, there are backers who other candidates might hope will trend there way.  Any thoughts in Iowa and nationally?

    My guess is that Clinton and Edwards will get the lions share.

    • Kerry Loyalists

      I think that 3% represents people who just really liked John Kerry, for whatever reason, results be damned.  The people who benefit most are probably Chris Dodd and Joe Biden, since the competition for “senior statesman” just thinned out.

  • Kerry's Support

    Looks like Chris Woods helped answer the question of where the remaining Kerry supporters will go. Both of them, the Vilsacks, will spend time on Tom’s campaign. Meanwhile, the trick now will be to keep John Kerry off the campaign trail.
